4th International Conference on Recent Trends in Multi-Disciplinary Research (ICRTMDR-21)


Event Starts On

Conference Organizer : IFERP

4th International Conference on Recent Trends in Multi-Disciplinary Research (ICRTMDR-21)

Paper Submission Journals/Publications

Journals/Publications : The research articles of the conference will be published in SCOPUS, SCI/ESCI, Springer Journals

International Conference on Recent Trends in Multi-Disciplinary Research. It is going to be held on 17th and 18th April, 2020 in Chattisgarh.To provide an opportunity to research scholars, delegates and students to interact and share their experience and knowledge in technology application. ICRTMDR-20 will provide an excellent international forum for sharing knowledge and results in Recent Challenges in Engineering Technology.

Your Friends:

Zoom & See the Conference List

Early Bird Deadline 10th Aug'21
Abstract Submission Deadline 30th July'21
Registration Deadline 30th Jul'21
Category & Type Engineering Conference
Conference Website http://icrtmdr.com/index.php
Contacts +91-9176634830
Email :[email protected]
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